
Check-up diagnostics and screening

Check-up programs and screening allow to quickly get a detailed information of the patient’s health status and take timely measures to preserve it.

  • Types of diagnostic programs:
  • Basic check-up package
  • Executive check-up package
  • Gastroenterological check-up package
  • Comprehensive cardiac check-up package
  • Urological check-up package
  • Gynecological check-up package
  • Cardiac Health check-up package
  • Individual diagnostic programs

Recently, ophthalmology, as a branch of medicine, has been developing very rapidly. Modern surgical and conservative methods of treating diseases of the organ of vision began to be used.

Clinics in Turkey are equipped with new equipment and apparatus, with the help of which diagnostics and treatment of almost all ophthalmic diseases are carried out. Verification of the main diagnosis takes only a few days, after which the attending physician prescribes treatment. Also, very complex cases of diseases such as retinoblastoma, optic nerve glioma, ocular melanoma and all eye tumors are treated using innovative methods, including cryotherapy, transpupillary thermotherapy, surgery, brachytherapy, teletherapy, cyberknife.

Main areas of clinical activity:

  • Vitreoretinal surgery
  • Cataract surgery
  • Corneal surgery
  • Refractive surgery
  • Ophthalmo-oncology
  • Reconstructive and oculoplastic surgery
  • Intravitreal therapy
  • Laser therapy