
Tube Baby (IVF treatment)

Reproductive health is a combination of the absolute physical, social and mental well-being of the family, sexual health and harmony of the couple.

Reproductive medicine Turkey is one of the leaders in reproductive medicine, as well as the management of a woman’s pregnancy. The manufacturability of modern medicine not only helps families in conceiving a child, but also guarantees a healthy, safe birth.

Turkish reproductive health medical centers are engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the reproductive system, as well as organs and systems closely related to it, help in solving infertility problems, planning and managing pregnancy, childbirth.

Infertility treatment is carried out by various methods, from which the doctor selects the most suitable for a particular couple. This may be the appointment of hormonal medications or other types of drugs, as well as the use of innovative developments to stimulate the fertilization process.

Reproductive health can be treated abroad, both for women and men. The methods used there help more than 90% of couples who apply to conceive a healthy baby. Treatment in Turkey is absolutely safe for general health, does not cause complications and side effects.

Turkish clinics successfully use the following methods of artificial insemination:

  1. IUI Artificial insemination – the introduction of sperm into the uterine cavity in a hospital setting. This allows you to increase the likelihood of conception after past infections, with low sperm activity, the presence of antibodies to sperm in a woman, or any damage to the reproductive system.
  2. Artificial insemination (ICSI) – the process of fertilization is carried out in the laboratory with an egg previously removed from the woman’s body. After insemination, the formed embryo is returned to the uterus (sometimes they resort to the help of a surrogate mother). The method is effective when it is impossible to bear a child for the entire period of pregnancy or extremely inactive male germ cells, a small amount of sperm.
  3. IVF (in vitro fertilization) – the combination of purified sperm and several healthy eggs in the laboratory. The cells are then returned to the woman’s body. The technique is used for diseases that prevent fertilization.


  1. IVF + ICSI – (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) – an auxiliary method for the treatment of severe forms of male infertility, in which spermatozoa are selected under a microscope for IVF and one of them is injected into the cytoplasm of the egg.
  2. IVF+PGD – (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) – a method that is used for partners who have hereditary diseases. To avoid genetic diseases in the unborn child, the embryo is subjected to a special genetic study before being transferred to the uterine cavity.
  3. IVF + TESE – An auxiliary method in which spermatozoa obtained directly from the testicular tissue are used for fertilization. It is used in case of violations of the male reproductive system, when sperm cannot be obtained in the usual way